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Stop Eurasian Milfoil before it’s too late…

Eurasian Milfoil is like a roach.. if you don’t kill it – it comes back.

Now that it’s  the summer, it’s more important than ever to take care of those weeds. Plants like Eurasian milfoil can ruin a lake for boaters, swimmers, etc. It can destroy the ecosystem and make a lake or pond uninhabitable for many species of plants and fish. The problem with Eurasian milfoil is that it can grow and spread so easily. This is due to fragmentation. And guess what? Late summer and early fall are the peak times of the year for this reproduction process.  Prevent it now and enjoy a great summer next year. 
Fragmentation is an asexual reproduction process that works by the spread of roots or fragments of a plant. It is very common in many shrubs, perennials, trees, etc. A fragment is spread somewhere else through nature or interference, and the fragment begins to grow into that plant. It is means for long term survival of the plant. Usually the fragments will need a suitable area to grow, but in the case of Eurasian milfoil, it can pretty much grow anywhere anyway, so that’s why cutting off fragmentation is so crucial to preventing invasion. 
August is about the time that fragmentation begins to occur in Eurasian milfoil. Milfoil plants become brittle and begin to fall apart. These branches and other fragments travel to other parts of the lake where new, independent plants can grow. Boat and animals may unknowingly transport these fragments to other lakes and bodies of water. To prevent these, you have to kill the lake weeds before they multiply. The Lake Bottom Blanket is the perfect way to effectively kill weeds without chemicals. It is safe for both you and the environment and easy to use and install. Choose a Lake Bottom Blanket and stop lake weeds like Eurasian Milfoil before it’s too late.
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